DDClient: Problem updating Zoneedit

I use Zoneedit for DNS "hosting". They give great, free service, with additional features at small costs.

For updating my Dynamic IP, I use the DDClient script (supports zoneedit, dyndns.org and many other providers)

A few days ago (according to my logs: 30/05/08 18:15:00 UTC) DDClient stopped updating my IP in Zoneedit. Apparently Zoneedit changed the URL, and ddclient.conf should be updated accordingly:


should become


It probably hurt many users.. I hope I didn't lose too many emails =)

Update: I notified ddclient developers and it was fixed (in SVN only currently).

Update 2: According to wimpunk (ddclient developer), the "server=www.zoneedit.com" can be simply commented-out from ddclient.conf (it's an optional parameter!); when commented-out, default already uses the correct address (dynamic.zoneedit.com), even in 3.7.3 or earlier.

10 thoughts on “DDClient: Problem updating Zoneedit

  1. Isabellf

    Yeah, the service is great, I just hope they could advise when they change stuff.

  2. Manicman666

    Thank you I Just spent the last hour trying to find out why ddclient wasn't working. I find it hard to believe that they didn't send out any prior email to let there users know before hand

  3. Oren

    For Zoneedit's side I'd say that they DID put a "Redirect" which, on theory, was supposed to make a smooth change.. Maybe it's also ddclient's fault for not following the redirect.

  4. The Derro

    Nice find! I did a packet capture and noticed that it was sending a redirect, but didn't make the logic leap and change my config to reflect that!


  5. Hemo

    Excellent. I had two systems, one started this about two weeks ago, and the other didn't start acting up until today. changing the hostname was a charm.

  6. trout

    yeah i noticed the redirect trying to go throught but googled around and found this page. did the trick for me too

  7. Paul

    By the way, ddclient has a debug option:
    ddclient -daemon=0 -noquiet -debug -verbose

    Running it that way it shows you exactly what is going on.

    About ZoneEdit\'s service, it\'s free, so why complain ;-).

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