Tag Archives: shell

Improve your shell experience with tmux & ConqueTerm

As a power text-mode user, I was both surprised and glad to hear (10x @erikzaadi!) about two interesting tools: tmux & ConqueTerm, which significantly changed the way I use the shell/terminal. I'll try to keep it short and to the point, and briefly explain the most notable behavior-changing features the way I see them. Or in other words: why should you give them a try.


tmux is screen-like. I didn't get to learn much of screen (absolutely my bad), so it's really not a "why tmux is better than screen" post, but simply what goodies does tmux provide.

tmux goodies: Continue reading

bash evilness

I've been trying to read a file in bash, and keep all the lines in a single variable, printing it at once after the loop:

cat /tmp/myfile | while read line; do
all="$all $line"
echo $all

However the output was only: EVIL_BASH, instead of having the lines of the /tmp/myfile appended.


Because of the PIPE, the whole 'while' loop runs in another subshell. This means that $all outside the loop  is not the same $all from within the loop!

Sounds simply like scoping (as in perl), but a really awkward one. Beware.